Distance Calculus Course Enrollment Application: Page 1

There are 6 pages to this Distance Calculus Enrollment Form. If you are less than 18 years of age, please complete this form with your parent/legal guardian.

Enrollment FAQ

Click on the arrows to reveal answers.
What is the Basic Enrollment Process?
If accepted, you will first be admitted to Roger Williams University as a non-matriculating, non-degree-seeking student, and given a RWU ID #. You will then be instructed how to pay the course tuition, and then the Registrar will place you in the course(s). You will have 1 year from the date of submission of this Enrollment Application to complete your course(s).
Can I Start The Course Today?
Yes. We do not wait for the administrative tasks to be completed before starting you in the course upon acceptance. You will receive Getting Started instructional emails with tasks to complete towards gaining access to the course portal.
In Which Semester Will I Be Enrolled?
This depends upon the timing of some administrative actions, but does not affect your course except nominally. You will have 1 year to finish your course from the date you submit this Enrollment Application. The Registrar will officially place you into an academic semester based upon cutoff dates for RWU (Sept-Dec: Fall; Jan: Winter; Feb-May: Spring; Jun-Aug: Summer). You do not need to wait for any "Start of Term Date" to begin your course.
Do I Pay My Tuition Today?
No. In a few business days, after acceptance and some administrative processing, you will be sent instructions on paying your course tuition.
Is The Course Tuition Refundable?
No. All Distance Calculus courses are offered under a strict NO REFUND policy, due to our flexible nature of revolving enrollment. It is important that you research all aspects of this course to make sure Distance Calculus is right for you.
Is The Course Tuition Refundable If I DROP The Course?
No. All Distance Calculus courses are offered under a strict NO REFUND policy. Dropping a course results in a "W" = withdrawal grade on your academic transcript, but does not result in a tuition refund.
How Long Do I Have To Finish My Course?
1 year from the date of Enrollment Application submission.
I Need To Finish My Course FAST - Is That Allowed?
Yes, within reason. You will find in this Enrollment Application some date calculations that indicate reasonable course completion timelines. FAST TRACK students must maintain the highest level of academic work submissions to keep on FAST TRACK. If a student starts to struggle with portions of the course, the instructional team will need to slow you down. The need to go fast does not outweigh the academic requirements of learning the course materials at a mastery level.
Can I Take This Course While I Am Still In High School?
Yes. If you are currently in high school, and/or under 18 years of age, you will need to obtain permission to enroll in Distance Calculus from:
  • Your parent/guardian
    Your parent or guardian should assist you in completing the Enrollment Applicationwhere both you and your parent/guardian will sign.
  • Your high school counselor
    We will notify your high school counselor directly regarding your enrollment in Distance Calculus. It is important your high school knows your academic plans outside of high school.
Do You Have The TIME To Finish Your Course?
Good intentions aside, you will need to plan for
  • 3 Credit Course: 128 hours of course work time
  • 4 Credit Course: 168 hours of course work time
  • 5 Credit Course: 210 hours of course work time
(3 hours course work/credit hour/week * # of credits * 14 week Carnegie semester). At some point between your enrollment and the completion date of the course, you will need to find this amount of hours in your personal/professional schedule.
Do I Purchase a Textbook / Software?
Yes. Depending upon your course, you will either purchase the software LiveMath or Mathematica ($75) and the e-Textbook for your course ($45). These are purchases separate from the tuition payment. Instructions will be sent to you via email upon acceptance to the program.
Can I Do The Course on a Tablet or Chromebook?
No. You need a Windows or MacOS computer. Newer Mac M1,M2,M3 computers have combatibility issues with the LiveMath software, for which there are workarounds. Instructions will be sent to you via email.

Apply For These Courses
If you are not sure which course (or courses) to apply for, it is better to ask for advice first from the Distance Calculus instructors, or ask your home college/university academic or transfer advisor first.
Course Choice
Course #Course NameCredits→Tuition
Before Calculus Courses
DMAT 125:  Basic Statistics 4 Credit Hours - $1732
DMAT 135:  Precalculus w/Trigonometry 4 Credit Hours - $1732
DMAT 145:  Finite Math 3 Credit Hours - $1299
Single Calculus Courses
DMAT 201:  Applied Calculus / Business 3 Credit Hours - $1299
DMAT 202:  Applied Calculus / Life Science 3 Credit Hours - $1299
Freshman Calculus Courses
DMAT 253:  Calculus I 4 Credit Hours - $1732
DMAT 263:  Calculus II 4 Credit Hours - $1732
Freshman Special Bridge Calculus Courses
DMAT 273:  Calculus III (Special) 3 Credit Hours - $1299
Honors Freshman Calculus Courses
DMAT 254:  Honors Calculus I 5 Credit Hours - $2165
DMAT 255:  Calculus I+II for Data Science 5 Credit Hours - $2165
DMAT 264:  Honors Calculus II 5 Credit Hours - $2165
Sophomore Calculus Courses
DMAT 311:  Probability Theory 3 Credit Hours - $1299
DMAT 321:  Differential Equations 3 Credit Hours - $1299
DMAT 335:  Linear Algebra 4 Credit Hours - $1732
DMAT 355:  Multivariable Calculus 4 Credit Hours - $1732
Honors Sophomore Calculus Courses
DMAT 322:  Honors Differential Equations 4 Credit Hours - $1732
DMAT 336:  Honors Linear Algebra 5 Credit Hours - $2165
DMAT 337:  Honors Linear Algebra for Data Science 5 Credit Hours - $2165
DMAT 356:  Honors Multivariable Calculus 5 Credit Hours - $2165
Upper Division Mathematics Courses
DMAT 431:  Abstract Algebra 4 Credit Hours - $1732
DMAT 451:  Differential Geometry 4 Credit Hours - $1732
Computer/Data Science Prep Courses
DMAT 225:  Discrete Math 4 Credit Hours - $1732
Your Name
Your name as it appears on academic transcripts
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
If your legal name includes a "Jr." or "III", etc
Former Legal Name
In case your academic records historically may be under a different name.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Mailing Address
Probably not a dorm address; probably your home address
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
State/ Province
ZIP/Postal Code
Contact Information
The more ways we have to contact you, the better
Main Phone
Secondary Phone
Primary Email
Secondary Email
If you have a second email address
If you have access to a FAX machine
Student Status
New Student to Distance Calculus @ Roger Williams University
Brand new to Distance Calculus - your first signup
Returning Distance Calculus @ Roger Williams University Student
Students who have completed a Distance Calculus course previously, and wish to take another Distance Calculus course
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