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Are Distance Calculus Courses Offered Over Winter and Summer Terms?


All Distance Calculus courses are offered year-round, during all terms: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.

Distance Calculus @ Roger Williams University does not follow the traditional academic calendar, nor follow academic terms, unlike almost all other programs available online and on-campus.

This means if you wish to complete one of the Distance Calculus courses over YOUR Winter Break, Distance Calculus is ready for you!

What is "Winter Break"?

Winter Break or Winter Intersession is different for EVERYONE!

Some students finish their Fall terms at Thanksgiving; some finish Fall just before Christmas holidays; and some students do not finish Fall Semester until mid-January!

With our Revolving Enrollment and asynchronous course structure, you may plan to complete your mathematics course during YOUR Winter break, whenever that is!

We do recommend that you ENROLL NOW in anticipation of your Winter break. You have 1 year to complete your course from the date of enrollment, so there is (almost) no reason to wait to enroll. It is best to get the enrollment process completed now, work a little towards getting the software installed on your computer, and get some of the beginning assignments out of the way in a relaxed fashion, so that when your Winter break starts, you have some momentum in your course, which you can then accelerate and "hit the ground running".

Some institutions have rules about their students taking courses over Winter Semester and Summer Semester, and these students need to make sure the Semester of Enrollment is one of these Winter or Summer terms. If your college/university has such rules, please include this information in your Enrollment Application so that we can work with you and the Registrar at Roger Williams University to get you placed into one of these special semester designations.

What is "Summer Term"?

Summer Term means different dates to different students. Some students finish their Spring terms in May, and some do not finish their Spring terms until the end of June.

With our Flexible Enrollment, you can plan to engage your mathematics course with Distance Calculus on YOUR schedule.

It is best that you ENROLL sooner rather than later, given that you will have 1 year to finish your course, there is no need to wait for a term start or end date. Enroll Now, get the administrative and software tasks completed, and perhaps start your course as time permits now - with the anticipation that when YOUR Summer Term starts, you will have everything ready to go go go on your course.

Distance Calculus - Freshman CoursesFreshman Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Sophomore CoursesSophomore Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Honors CoursesHonors Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Lower Division CoursesLower Division Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Upper Division CoursesUpper Division Math Courses